Christian Minotti was born in Lugano in 1975 and began began studying piano and skiing at the age of 3.

Thanks to his classical training, he participated in various piano competitions until the age of 25 age, before turning his passion into a profession.

Since 2002, he has played for renowned private hotels and hotel chains around the world, including New York, San Francisco, Sydney, Berlin and Beijing.

After his return from China, in 2008 he founded “MusicadhoC,” a company that coordinates a group of professional musicians and organizes a series of events, which he directs with great passion.

In parallel, since 1990 he has been engaged as a ski instructor at the Ticino-Lugano Ski Club and since 2010 he has been coordinating a group of sports guides specializing in excursions with skis, bicycles, hiking and recently also boats.

MusicadhoC MUSIC & SPORTS offers quality services coordinated and carried out with commitment and enthusiasm by our specialized staff, who perform their work with flexibility and passion!